
Power Washing
($1.00 per Linier Foot (LF) per Story) $75.00 per Job minimum
Ranch $1.00 Per LF
Ranch w/ walk out basement $1.50 Per LF
Two Story $2.00 Per LF
Two Story W/ Walk out Basement $3.00 Per LF
Deck .25 per Sq Ft
Deck Railings $1.00 Per LF
Concrete Patio/ Sidewalk .25 Per Sq Ft
Concrete Driveway .15 Per Sq Ft

Window Cleaning
Window Type:
*Out Only: **In and Out:
$75.00 per Job minimum
Window/ Thermopane *$2.00 **$4.00
Double Hung *$4.00 **$8.00
Double hung w dble hung strm **$18.00
French Pane per Square *.50 **$1.00
Oversized Window *$4.00 **$8.00
Full size door *$3.00 **$6.00
Screens $2.00 EA
Tracks $2.00 EA
Remove mutton Bars .50 EA

Gutter Cleaning
(Gutter Prices are based on average size and may vary)
$75.00 per Job minimum
Ranch $80.00 avg
Ranch with Walk out basement $100.00 avg
Two Story $120.00 avg
Two Story w Walk out basement $140.00 avg
Detached Garage $40.00 avg
Commercial Prices
(Average costs)
* Window Cleaning $1.00 per window per side
* Pressure Washing .10 per square foot